
php5-pear-date_holidays: Driver based class to calculate holidays.

Name:php5-pear-date_holidays Vendor:openSUSE Build Service
Version:0.17.1 License:PHP License
Release:5.1 URL:
Date_Holidays helps you calculating the dates and titles of holidays and other special celebrations. The calculation is driver-based so it is easy to add new drivers that calculate a country's holidays. The methods of the class can be used to get a holiday's date and title in various languages. Authors: -------- Carsten Lucke Stephan Schmidt Mark Wiesemann Ken Guest

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Sun May 11 19:33:50 2008
Packager:Marcus Hüwe <suse-tux{%}gmx{*}de>
Size:71 KiB

Arch: src

Build Date:Sun May 11 19:33:50 2008
Packager:Marcus Hüwe <suse-tux{%}gmx{*}de>
Size:64 KiB


* Mon Dec 10 13:00:00 2007 Marcus Hüwe <suse-tux{%}gmx{*}de>
- initial build

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